100% Natural, Human-Grade Apoptogens Direct From Nature
Now Available! In stores, online and in veterinary offices: Apocaps®, the powerful nutraceutical supplement designed by Dr. Demian Dressler, DVM, author of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide.
This is the same apoptogen formula supplement Dr. Dressler developed for and uses with his canine patients at his veterinary hospital in Hawaii. Apocaps® is made in the USA with 100% human-grade, all natural ingredients.
To read more about the ingredients in Apocaps®, click here.
To learn more about the story of Apocaps®, click here.
If you are a veterinarian, click here.
How Will Apocaps Benefit Your Dog?
Dr. Dressler's Dosing Guidelines
Order the right amount for your dog by following these important dosing guidelines set by Dr. Dressler for his canine patients. Each bottle of Apocaps contains 90 capsules.
Get Apocaps for Your Pup
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Apocaps® is available from veterinarians, pet shops and online.

Approved by and Recommended by Veterinarians

Apocaps® is made in the USA